I found this work by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor on Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, but it was a scanned copy of one that was marked up and made for a bad scan. I did find one ebook but for some reason it had some HTML errors and wouldn't load into any of my readers. I ended up taking the raw text file and going through it making all the corrections. I then converted it to a ebook format. This project was a time consuming task.
Now About the Book:
Hudson Taylor was a true man of faith as this book will show. He was the founder of the China Inland Mission and started his journey of faith at a young man. Here is a clip from the Forward:
" The founder of the China Inland Mission was a physician, J. Hudson Taylor, a man full of the Holy Spirit and of faith, of entire surrender to God and His call, of great self- denial, heartfelt compassion, rare power in prayer, marvellous organising faculty, energetic initiative, indefatigable perseverance, and of astonishing influence with men, and withal of childlike humility."