What if you became a master of your own screen-time instead of letting it master you?
What if you became more screen-wise?
40 real-life realizations including. . .
* Your phone doesn’t have an UNSEND button.
*Texting is a dumb way to manage conflict.
* We all need a digital detox every once in a while.
* Sometimes less is more.
* Phones are a great tool for connecting with people outside of the room when they don’t interfere with the people inside the room
* Sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignored all day.
Author and youth culture expert, Jonathan McKee, and his daughter Alyssa McKee, uncover forty random realizations they’ve discovered over the last five years. Screens provide fun platforms to connect with faraway friends; and sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignore all day. Jonathan and Alyssa help young adults navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too! Maybe they’ll help you navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too!