Alongside its comprehensive coverage of the theory, institutions, and policies of the EU, as well as its historical context, the book engages with numerous contemporary issues, debates, and crises--from Brexit and Euroscepticism to the economic and migration crises. The text's clear and accessible writing style and wide-ranging nature make it the ideal starting point for all those wishing to fully understand the workings of this complex and ever-evolving system.
Throughout the text, students are supported by helpful learning features, including key points, questions, and examples. Students are further supported by online resources that help them to take their learning further.
For students:
- Test your knowledge of the chapter material and receive instant feedback with online multiple choice questions.
- Revise key terms and concepts with a digital flashcard glossary.
- Prepare effectively for assessments with help from the online revision guide.
- Learn about key actors in the EU with short biographies of important figures in its history.
- Expand your knowledge of the EU's member states with an interactive map of Europe.
- Conduct further research with relevant web links to reliable online content.
For registered lecturers:
- Reinforce key themes from each chapter with suggested seminar and essay questions.
- Use the adaptable PowerPoint slides as the basis for lecture presentations or as hand-outs in class.