The Supernatural Age

By David Alan Smith

The Supernatural Age
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Demons...? Demonic activity...? What would our world be like if the floodgates were opened? What would happen if the hand that kept these evil entities at bay was removed? And whose hand would that be? This is the Supernatural Age. It is more than a 'cautionary tale'; it is a prophecy plucked from the pages of the Bible-or at least a plausible interpretation of what could possibly be. And what exactly makes Biblical Prophecy so mysterious; worth anyone's time? Simple-eerily, a quarter of the Bible is documented prophecy and approximately 75% of these prophecies have already been fulfilled-to the tee. Bible prophecy is batting a thousand; it has a perfect record. If a psychic laid out over 2000 predictions and every single one of them came true to the letter, if it wouldn't be enough to make one trust the psychic, it'd at least make one take a second look. Why not the Bible? Besides, a rapture-believing church is long overdue for a fresh new perspective on what they believe. This time, however, the message to these Christians is...BEWARE. It is a warning-a just-in-case scenario they need to seriously consider when it comes to their rapture. It is a just-in-case scenario when it comes to the Tribulation, the Prophet, and the Antichrist. Although...'The Supernatural Age' written with love and concern for Christians and non-Christians alike; it is far from a fluffy feel-good novel of things and things to come. It is a haunting and ominous tale by all accounts, but not without a light at the end of the tunnel. This is a supernatural thriller; full of suspense, unexpected twists, turns, and surprises. It is an imaginative and daring version of the Bible's foretelling of the 'last days'. It is as much written to shock and entertain the reader as it is to inform and educate. It is thought provoking. It is peppered with horrors, danger, suspicion, intrigue, deception, paranormal phenomena, and demon possession. Despite it being fiction, merely a story-it can be most provocative, even controversial, if one allows it. Yet, even with all the precarious settings, situations, and global devastation; it manages to squeeze in the beauty of faith, romance, love, honor, and trust as well as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, it truly and fully lands in the Christian genre, as it is intended to be. In addition, the...'Supernatural Age' a timely novel. Not only is it perfect and apropos for the times pertaining to what is currently trending in the political arena worldwide; it is suitable for a myriad of audiences. Younger, older, rich and poor, religious, spiritual, Atheists and Agnostics, all genders, all walks of life, regardless of race, sexual orientation, political affiliation, culture or creed-the Supernatural Age is a novel for all people. Take notice, be informed, be warned, and be aware. Whether the Supernatural Age is read like a movie, or read as a reference, whether it falls into the realm of pure entertainment, or a foreboding warning; either way..., it is a novel worth considering. Hopefully, it is a novel well received; a novel worthy of finding an intimate place in the heart of one's library. Bottom line..., the ultimate battle between good and evil is looming. The question is..., are you ready?

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