In the past dozen years, the methods of analyzing and treating groundwater conditions have vastly improved. The Third Edition of Construction Dewatering and Groundwater Control, reflecting the most current technology and practices, is a timely and much-needed overview of this rapidly changing field.
Illustrated with hundreds of new figures and photographs and including numerous detailed case histories, the Third Edition of Construction Dewatering and Groundwater Control is a comprehensive and valuable reference for both students and practicing engineers alike.
Drawing on real-world experience, the authors lead the reader through all facets of the theory and practice of this fascinating and often complex engineering discipline. Discussion includes:
Construction Dewatering and Groundwater Control is an indispensable tool for all engineering and construction professionals searching for the most up-to-date coverage of groundwater control for various purposes, the modern ways to identify and analyze site-specific situations, and the modern tools available to control them.