
By Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik

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As-Salah is not only the 2nd pillar but also the main pillar of Islam and on the Day of Judgment the first question will be about Salah. The Holy Qur’an does not only repeat the order of Allah (SWT) about establishing the Salah numerous times but also states that Salah and Zakah had been obligatory in the Shari‘ah of all prior Prophets and is a must for our success in this life and in the life hereafter:

We noticed brothers / sisters missing the pillars of Salah without which Salah is invalidated and Salah has to be repeated to complete it. We also noticed that brothers/ sisters getting into hot arguments and start labeling each other as Wahaabi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Brailvi, Dewbandi etc. for those parts of Salah, the performing or missing of which does not make any difference in completing the Salah. 

In this booklet we have tabulated the pillar (Fardh), obligatory (Wajib) and Sunnah parts of Salah as a quick reference. The difference between a pillar and obligatory part is that a pillar cannot be waived, whether one omits it deliberately or by mistake Salah has to be repeated. If one forgets any obligatory part of Salah, it can be compensated by doing the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujood al-sahw). The Sunnah’s of Salah, both in words and in actions, missing of any does not require repeating Salah or doing the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujood al-sahw). Then we have stated how Rasool Allah (PBUH) offered his Salah based on authentic ahadith.

Rasool Allah (PBUH) said “Salah is the Mi‘raj of a believer,” therefore it should be performed as such. It start with Takbeer-e-Tahrima which means after pronouncing this Takbeer we are supposed to cut off from this world, be in the court of Allah (SWT) and start our meeting with Him. We should know what we are saying, how we are glorifying Him and what we are asking Him. When the meeting with Him is concluded we come back to this world with Tasleem on both sides, as if to deliver the Message of Peace to all turning our face to right-side and then left-side.

May Allah (SWT) bless us and provide us the right guidance. We request that if you find any mistake or have any suggestion to improve this booklet, please do let us know.

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