An in-depth and comprehensive treatment of wireless communication technology ranging from the fundamentals to the newest research results
The expanded and completely revised Third Edition of Wireless Communications delivers an essential text in wireless communication technology that combines mathematical descriptions with intuitive explanations of the physical facts that enable readers to acquire a deep understanding of the subject.
This latest edition includes brand-new sections on cutting edge research topics such as massive MIMO, polar codes, heterogeneous networks, non-orthogonal multiple access, as well as 5G cellular standards, WiFi 6, and Bluetooth Low Energy. Together with the re-designed descriptions of fundamentals such as fading, OFDM, and multiple access, it provides a thorough treatment of all the technologies that underlie fifth-generation and beyond systems. A complementary companion website provides readers with a wealth of old and new material, including instructor resources available upon request.
Readers will also find:
Perfect for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a basic knowledge of standard communications, Wireless Communications will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and system designers seeking a one-stop resource on wireless communication technology.