Allah emphasizes that He is the only One who created the Earth and the universe. He claims that there will also be a new phases of life after death known as the Life of Hereafter. He delivers this stand through his Messengger, The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The Noble Qur’aan is seen as the most important proof of evidence for all of the allegations made.
The Noble Qur’aan challenges humans to conduct research towards the study of universe which is proclaimed to be the sole creation of Allah, as to be a solid evidence that they will be resurrected after death. Yasin is one of the Surah in the Qur’aan that attracts human to further engage in this research.
There are list of facts in Surah Yasin that encourage human to do research through various verses known as ayat-ayat kauniyyah (scientific facts). Ayat means a sign while ayat-ayat is its plural form. Whereas ‘kauniyyah’ which was originated from the verb ‘kawn’ means the creation.Therefore ayat-ayat kauniyyah refer to the signs of Allah’s creation.
Ayat-ayat Kauniyyah (scientific facts) are simply those verses related to the universe and its phenomena. The word ‘alam’ means all those exist in the sky and on the earth (the stars, the existing energy etc). While universe is defined as all over; and whole.
The universe is the whole of nature. The events that occur in this realm are actually planned by Allah and highly not happen by chance as claimed by the Atheists.