This handy reference source, is a companion volume to the author’s
Engineers’ Guide to Pressure Equipment. Heavily illustrated, and containing a wealth of useful data, it offers inspectors, engineers, operatives, and those maintaining engineering equipment a one stop everyday package of information. It will be particularly helpful in guiding users through the legislation that regulates this field. Legislation has very important implications for works inspection and in-service inspection of mechanical plant.
An Engineers’ Guide to Rotating Equipment is packed with information, technical data, figures, tables and checklists. Details of relevant technical standards, the legislation and Accepted Codes of Practice (AcoPs) published by various bodies such as HSE and SAFed, are provided in addition to a number of website addresses and contact details.
- Engineering fundamentals
- Bending, torsion, and stress
- Motion and dynamics
- Rotating machine fundamentals: Vibration, balancing, and noise
- Machine elements
- Fluid mechanics
- Centrifugal pumps
- Compressors and turbocompressors
- Prime movers
- Draught plant
- Basic mechanical design
- Materials of construction
- The machinery directives
- Organisations and associations.