A long-standing tradition of excellence is extended in the Fourth Edition of this authoritative introduction to the field of therapeutic recreation. The authors effectively combine a broad orientation to the profession with the practical information necessary for students to become successful practitioners.
Part I contains a comprehensive discussion of the fields history and theoretical underpinnings, providing students with the perspective they need to evaluate the social, cultural, demographic, economic, and technical forces that have shaped and are continuing to impact health and human services in general, and therapeutic recreation in particular. Part II introduces students to the client populations served by therapeutic recreation specialists and describes specific approaches and activities employed by TR professionals to help clients achieve meaningful improvements in health status, functional capacities, and quality of life.
The authors have retained the practical, student-oriented approach that makes this an ideal text for introductory courses. They address all content areas included in the NCTRC certification exam, are compatible with the American Psychiatric Association on psychological classifications, and incorporate the World Health Organizations international classification of functioning, disability, and health. The latest edition contains updated information on baby boomers, the obesity epidemic, and evidence-based practices; field-based photographs and illustrations; and study questions and exercises designed to engage students.