1. Basic Theory.
2. Analytical Semi-Markov Power-Saving Models.
3. Other Approaches for LTE Power Saving.
About the Authors
Scott A. Fowler is Associate Professor at Linköping University, Sweden, working with the Mobile Telecommunication (MT) group. He has served on several IEEE conferences/workshops as TPC to Chair, including Special Interest Groups coordinator for IEEE Communications Software (CommSoft) Technical Committee since 2012. His research interests include Quality of Service (QoS) support over heterogeneous networks, computer networks (wired, wireless), energy management, mobile computing, pervasive/ubiquitous, performance evaluation of networks and security.
Abdelhamid Mellouk is Full Professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil VdM (UPEC, ex. Paris 12), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T) Department (IUT C/V) and LiSSi Laboratory in France. He is a founder of the Network Control Research activity with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. His general area of research is in adaptive real-time control for high-speed new generation dynamic wired/wireless networking in order to maintain acceptable Quality of Service/Experience for added-value services.
Naomi Yamada is a research associate at Linköping University, Sweden.