What if you knew exactly what to do when trouble strikes?
Imagine knowing and understanding that God is still working greatness behind the unpleasant and awfully painful?
Elizabeth Love believes that if we keep believing and trusting in the work of the invisible God through the good and the ugly, we will become totally unstoppable. Every difficulty has the capacity and the power to take us to the next level, to move us to the place of our destiny. It was so with Joseph, it is so with us.
In Behind The Curtain, the author contrasts her painful and heartbreaking story to that of Joseph's in Genesis. They both underwent rejection from loved ones and suffered many disappointments, painting a gruesome, but assuring truth that there is purpose beyond the setbacks we all face.
Through this book, you will learn revelations that will help you:
- Know God's specific purpose for your life.
- Grow in your walk with God and build a persistent faith.
- Live in your ultimate destiny and become unstoppable!
A wise person once said, "your perspective in life will determine your destiny." After reading this book, you will see troubles, sufferings, and disappointments as they are, opportunities for God's revelation of His greatness through your life.