For example, tort law is impacted by technology; the proliferation of drones requires a new look at the law of trespass, and video Zoom meetings can impose direct liability on employers, for example. Social media supports an increasing share of all advertising and endorsements and is subject to regulation, of which influencers are often not aware. Global advertising expenditures on various internet and social media platforms also drives the need for a change in right of publicity law. In the United States, the right of publicity is governed by state rather than federal law, so there is no uniform approach. One part of the book includes a survey of the law of each US state, and proposes a new federal statute. Although most of the examples are drawn from the US, the issues raised are fully international in scope and relevance.
This book will appeal to legal practitioners trying to manage new technology issues facing their clients; academics teaching students how the law is changing, and needs to continue to change, as technology develops; and teachers and researchers in business and management schools, needing to address technology and governance issues.