Christopher Badcock is Emeritus Reader in Sociology at the London School of Economics and author of works on the imprinted brain (Crespi-Badcock) theory and diametric model of the mind and of mental illness.
A modern-day 1984. From a position of profound erudition, using the literary device of confining protagonists into a set place and span of time, the author blithely skewers the self-righteous platitudes and bleak mandated groupthink that seem all too often to inform today's culture. Beyond the book's first-degree enjoyable, often laugh-out-loud style, its underlying message is deathly serious: the choices we make have consequences, and we better do our homework as to what such may be before we mindlessly hurtle along, borne by good-sounding yet hollow slogans.
-H Chris Ransford, DEA Alumnus at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
As always, this novel demonstrates the author's splendid erudition and original ideas-two phenomena which are unfortunately not much commended in mainstream academia.
-Amar Annus, Tartu University Estonia.