I Am... a Study of the Gospel of John

By John Smith

I Am... a Study of the Gospel of John
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Who is Jesus? Is he a prophet, teacher, a man of good deeds...or something greater. John, son of Zebadee, was a man who tackled this issue head on in a time where he was one of, if not the only man left, on the face of the earth who had known Him personally. It was also a time of transition being near the end of the First Century, and heading into the start of the second. It was also a time of challenge from within the body of Christ, where there were those who challenged the identity of Jesus and just who He is. For John, there was no question: He is God, and was God in the flesh while here on earth. This was what was at question by the cults of the day, and John wanted to leave a legacy behind for the next church leaders to follow the original apostles for them to know that Jesus IS the Christ, God in the flesh, and He is the one in whom we place our eternal hope of salvation. Because John was an eyewitness, and intimate with Jesus Himself, he let the world know that his gospel witness was true. This study is to take an in-depth look at what John wrote, and how he set about to prove and solidify in people's hearts that God became a man so that man could be divine in the eyes of his Creator.

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