Have you ever:
These occurrences are all examples of what Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse calls 'turning points': moments of divine protection that have the power to transform your life. Sometimes accompanied by a sense of awe, these moments always touch us deeply, connect us to the mystery of our souls, and show us our greater purpose. Though these are powerful experiences, we often do not recognize them as 'spiritual events.' In Dancing with Destiny, Wegscheider-Cruse examines these occurrences from the perspective of a therapist, providing examples that clarify their essence. She also shares with you stories of courage, strength, hope, humor and victory from her life and from the lives of people of all backgrounds. Everyone has a destiny. Through the text and the stories in this book, you can find clues to recognizing and welcoming your own journey. You can connect the dots of your experiences and 'coincidences' to reveal the big picture, the reason you are here. This inspiring book will show you how to understand your journey of 'destiny' so that you can move through life with clearer direction and make your most important decisions with confidence.