I’ve Done It Again And This Time I’m Really Fμ©k#d! Literally.
What the hell was I thinking when I made that bet with Pace and bargained away my bedding arrangement? I’ll tell you what I was thinking. This is a bet I can’t possibly lose. But I was wrong. I lost big time. Now I’m shacked up in the tour bus master cabin with Pace. Exactly where I didn’t want to be.
As if that wasn’t bad enough on its own, the finer details of our bargain have put me into a very sticky situation with Pace, and Pace alone. Opposite to everything I planned and prepared for, to protect my heart from Pace, I’ve agreed to save my most intimate relations for him.
I’ve limited my pregnancy risk sex to Pace alone. The rest of The Infidels, including Foster, are barred from any risky business with me, leaving Pace as the only member of my male harem happy about this (not so) little development.
I leapt from the frying pan straight into Pace’s burning bed. Instead of barring him from my body, and my heart, I seem to have Fast Paced his direct access to both.
What the hell am I going to do?