A stunning new take on the old science vs. spirituality debate. Land and Jarman begin by demolishing one of the sacred cows of physics: “entropy,” the idea that the universe is irreversibly headed toward a whimpering “heat death.” Using rigorous scientific methods, they show that the universe isn’t falling apart after all – it’s getting better, all the time!
They next take on Einstein’s theory of relativity, explaining in simple terms how quantum mechanics describes a universe that isn’t a giant clockwork, but something far more profound – a combination of past cause and “Future Pull.”
What does all this science have to do with spirituality? Everything! Land and Jarman label nature’s impulse for overcoming entropy and pulling us into the future “Creative Connecting.” A force as scientifically real and demonstrable as gravity, and far more worthy of “reverence” than any ghost dreamed up by an ancient religion. Think of your most memorable moments of deep spirituality: watching a sunset, being moved by music … That powerful feeling you experience is “being at one with the universe.” In other words, a sense of “connecting.” What’s the best part of religious teaching? “Love thy neighbor” – more “connecting.”
Land and Jarman prove that you don’t have to give up on science to be truly spiritual – you just have to get it right. And you don’t have to be ashamed of your spiritual side if you want to live your life according to empirical reality – you just have to revere the force in nature that really exists.