It's here: clear and easy answers to your most common grammar, usage, and punctuation questions. In this second edition, you'll find more than sixty new and expanded entries in this much-used resource used by professional editors, novelists, students preparing for the ACT, and those who simply want to master grammar once and for all. The Word Nerd once again cuts through the convoluted terminology by explaining things in a way even the most frustrated writer can understand.
Orson Scott Card wrote of the first edition: "So it is with great pleasure that I call your attention to the most reliable, accurate, and usable grammar guide I've yet found. There, Their, They're: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd, by Annette Lyon, actually offers you accurate advice. . . . from now on, when people express that rare thing -- an interest in learning the rules of orthography and grammar -- this is the book I'm recommending to them. And it's the one I'm keeping by my computer for quick lookups when I don't want to mess with the whole Chicago Manual of Style."