Dukova, H. D., Mastrantonio, M. (ed.) (2023). International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-I-. Global Academy Publishing House. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.59740/
This book consists of eight chapters. In the first chapter, there is information about the Sanjak of Rhodes, an administrative division of the Ottoman Empire, and statements that madrasas and Islamic higher education schools were an important part of the education system in the Ottoman Empire. In the second chapter, there is research into emotional education, which is the process of developing emotional intelligence, which includes understanding and managing one's own emotions, as well as recognizing and empathizing with the emotions of others, where teachers play a very important role in emotional education when they interact with students on a daily basis and can provide a safe and supportive environment for emotional learning. In the third chapter explains the development of the roles of sustainable citizenship education in Indonesia and provides curricular recommendations to the education system. In the fourth chapter, it is mentioned that individuals who have developed writing skills in their mother tongue are successful in the writing skills they have learned in the foreign language they have learned and that there is an important connection between writing skills and teaching as a mother tongue in a foreign language. In the context of the fact that students who cannot gain writing skills in their mother tongue, in general, have difficulty writing in the language they have learned, it is also emphasized that Turkish students face some difficulties in the process of learning Persian, considering their writing skills within the framework of teaching Persian as a foreign language. The fifth chapter provides a brief historical account of the Urkun incident, the circumstances that prepared the rebellion, and the consequences of the rebellion. Then, the reflections of this event on Kyrgyz prose are emphasized. In Kyrgyzstan, which gained its independence in 1991, the literature of the pre-independence Soviet period and the post-independence literary environment are not the same. Soviet-era literature is literature that is entirely under the guidance of the state. This has had an impact on the topics dealt with in literature. There were interventions by the Soviet administration in the handling of the Urkun incident, and Urkun was sometimes among the banned subjects. The study also includes the intervention of the literary environment on the subject of Urkun. In the sixth chapter, emphasizes why the Soviet leadership gave importance to the theater genre and the factors that influenced the formation of the theater genre that entered Kyrgyz literature in the 1920s. In the first part of the study, the historical, political, and psychological environment prevailing in the Kyrgyz geography at the beginning of the 20th century is mentioned. The attitude of the Soviet authorities was primarily influential in the rapid development of contemporary theater. Therefore, in the second part of the study, it is discussed why the Soviet authorities attach importance to the theater genre. In the third part of the study, the factors affecting the formation and development of the Contemporary Kyrgyz Theater in the post-revolutionary period are discussed in general. In the seventh chapter, some basic concepts, theories, and practices in educational administration are discussed, emphasizing that educational administration is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. The aim of the eighth chapter is to determine the applicability of the lipogram technique by investigating its contribution to Turkish teaching and creative writing activities.
This book has been prepared for academics, researchers, doctoral students, and policymakers working in the field of education.