The Complete Visual Basic . NET Training Course

By Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Tem R. Nieto

The Complete Visual Basic . NET Training Course
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The Complete Visual Basic .NET Training Course Deitel, Deitel, Nieto

Simply the fastest, easiest way to master VB.NET programming!Master the most important Visual Basic.NET development skills hands-on, with real programs and "live" multimedia expert instruction from world-renowned authors and corporate trainers! Listen and learn as expert trainer and author Tem Nieto describes over 21,300 lines of sample Visual Basic.NET program code in over 22 hours of detailed audio instruction Coverage includes syntax, objects, events, delegates, exceptions, WinForms, WebForms, Web Services, database integration, XML, wireless development, and more! Includes the best-selling, 1400-page Visual Basic.NET How to Program -- in print and searchable electronic versionsMASTER VISUAL BASIC .NET DEVELOPMENT -- HANDS-ON!

Created by leading corporate trainers Deitel & Associates, this hands-on, interactive training course combines Visual Basic .NET training CD-ROM, The Visual Basic .NET Multimedia Cyber Classroom, and the leading Visual Basic .NET textbook, Visual Basic .NET How to Program, 2nd Edition You'll start with an overview of Microsoft's .NET platform and how Visual Basic .NET fits into it -- then master syntax, objects, classes, inheritance, events, delegates, exceptions, WebForms, Web Services, WinForms, and much more. With its unique combination of live code, expert audio commentary, and in-depth online and printed explanations, this package will help you master Visual Basic .NET development faster than you ever thought possible! VISUAL BASIC .NET MULTIMEDIA CYBER CLASSROOMMore than 22 hours of expert detailed audio instruction walks you through 193+ complete, ready-to-run programs 21,300+lines of live code you can load, run, and adapt! Test your knowledge with hundreds of interactive self-review questions and programming exercises! Get fast, in-depth answers from the fully searchable copy of Visual Basic.NET How to Program, 2nd Edition! Discover hundreds of tips and ideas for maximizing performance, interoperability, and reuse -- and for avoiding and troubleshooting problems! Covers all this: .NET platform, VB .NET syntax, object-oriented development, events, delegates, exceptions, WinForms, WebForms, Web Services development, database integration, and more Presents start-to-finish case studies in VB .NET application development Contains hundreds of tips and tricks for building more robust, reliable, high-performance code

For more information visit:, PTG Interactive, Prentice Hall - DeitelSPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR: New and experienced developers who want to master Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft's .NET platform quickly Visual Basic developers upgrading to Visual Basic .NET Experienced object developers who want to leverage Visual Basic .NET's object-oriented capabilities Web developers who want to leverage the full power of Visual Basic .NET in Web, XML, and distributed applications System Requirements: Windows 98/NT4/2000/XP 200 MB disk space/64 MB RAM CD-ROM drive & sound card support Internet Explorer 5.5 included

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