Investing in People

By Wayne F. Cascio, John W. Boudreau

Investing in People
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A Logical, Proven Framework for Understanding the Economic Value of Human Resources Investments

  • How to choose Human Resources investments that deliver optimal strategic value—and eliminate those that don’t
  • Best-practice metrics and analysis techniques for talent management, performance management, health and wellness programs, and much more

Investing in People introduces a breakthrough approach to Human Resources (HR) measurement that systematically aligns HR investments with organizational goals and helps make HR the true strategic partner it needs to be. Wayne F. Cascio and John W. Boudreau show exactly how to choose, implement, and use metrics to improve decision-making, optimize organizational effectiveness, and maximize the value of HR investments.

You’ll master crucial foundational principles such as risk, return, and economies of scale—and use them to evaluate investments objectively in everything from work/life programs to training. Cascio and Boudreau also introduce powerful ways to integrate HR with enterprise strategy and budgeting and for gaining commitment from business leaders outside the HR function.

If you truly want “a seat at the table”—or if you want to keep the one you have—you’ll find this book utterly indispensable.

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Foreword xi

Acknowledgments xiii

About the Authors xiv

Preface xv

Plan for the Book xvii

Chapter 1: Making HR Measurement Strategic 1

Chapter 2: Analytical Foundations of HR Measurement 21

Chapter 3: The Hidden Costs of Absenteeism 43

Chapter 4: The High Cost of Employee Separations 67

Chapter 5: Employee Health, Wellness, and Welfare 99

Chapter 6: Employee Attitudes and Engagement 125

Chapter 7: Financial Effects of Work-Life Programs 151

Chapter 8: Staffing Utility: The Concept and Its Measurement 171

Chapter 9: The Economic Value of Job Performance 195

Chapter 10: The Payoff from Enhanced Selection 223

Chapter 11: Costs and Benefits of HR Development Programs 245

Chapter 12: Talent-Investment Analysis: Catalyst for Change 271

Appendix A: The Taylor-Russell Tables 285

Appendix B: The Naylor-Shine Table for Determining the Increase in Mean Criterion Score Obtained by Using a Selection Device 297

Index 309

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