With an emphasis on behavior modification to develop long-term health habits, challenges specific to college students are addressed, including stress management, substance abuse and addiction, sexual health, weight management, cardiovascular exercise, strength training, functional fitness training, and nutrition.
Students will be equipped with the understanding and tools to make lifestyle changes that matter. Related learning aids, delivered through HKPropel, include 48 video clips demonstrating proper movement technique. A fitness testing video, new to this edition, helps students visually see and understand how to conduct personal fitness tests. Also new to this edition are video demonstrations of two sample workouts, one with total body movements that target small and weak muscle groups and one with upper-body exercises using resistance bands. These sample workouts serve as examples for students to learn how to structure their own workouts. Practical learning activities, assignable by instructors in HKPropel, provide real-life context and personal application of the material, focusing on completing individual assessments, goal setting, and identifying the pros and cons of modifying their behavior. Comprehension of the content is gauged through automatically graded chapter quizzes assigned and tracked by instructors within HKPropel.
Within the book, pedagogical aids and practical tips promote understanding and application to daily life, including Immunity Booster tips with practical advice for staying healthy, Behavior Check sidebars to help students integrate concepts, and Now and Later sidebars that encourage students to consider how actions today will affect their future. A Functional Fitness Training insert provides movements to strengthen key muscles and explains their relevance to common activities, while infographics, tables, and figures throughout illustrate and reinforce key concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
Fitness and Well-Being for Life, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, helps students learn how to make healthy choices and enact positive behavior changes to lead healthier and happier lives both now and in the future.
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.