o develop their understanding of literature within social, cultural and political reading practices
o extend their knowledge of language features and conventions of different genres
o develop skills in analytical and critical reading.
The scope of the first edition has been expanded from solely fiction to cover a range of contemporary literature, including poetry, plays and picture books. The case study material, investigative activities and practical exercises promote an active approach to learning.
The second edition focuses on a range of fiction relevant to the National Curriculum for England and the National Literacy Strategy. It provides examples from a range of world literature written in English. Examples from work in translation are also included. It also addresses the requirements of the primary curriculum for ITT English.
This book is essential reading for student teachers on PGCE, and undergraduate teacher education courses, and for teachers undertaking CPD in English, literacy or children's literature. It provides useful support material for language coordinators, SCITT coordinators and literacy consultants.