1. The March of Advancing Frontiers--An Overview
2. Artificial Intelligence Based Therapies
3. Recent Advances in Biofeedback Therapy
4. Current Status of Yoga and Other Spiritual Therapies in Psychiatry
5. The Interface of Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy
6. Update on Drug Assisted Psychotherapies
7. Current State of Management for Residual and Resistant Auditory Hallucinations and Delusions
8. Antiviral Therapy in Schizophrenia--Does It Work
9. Non-pharmacological Therapies for Psychotic Disorders
10. Interventions for Personality Disorders
11. Critical Overview of Polypharmacy Debate
12. Cosmetic Psychopharmacology
13. Nutraceuticals in Psychiatry
14. Therapeutic Role of Sleep and Exercise in Management of Health
15. Recent Advances in Drug Treatment of Chronic Depression
16. Current Status of Cognitive Enhancers
17. Pharmacogenomics in Psychiatry
18. Stem Cell Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders
19. Psychobiotic Therapy
20. Advances in Brain Stimulation Therapies
21. Surgical Interventions for Neuropsychiatric Disorders