In war gaming or operational tactics, many tables with frequencies, loadouts and ranges are useful, especially if unclassified. With this book, all of these platforms and systems are in one source. The book is divided into sections on frigates, destroyers, missile destroyers, patrol craft, naval aircraft and helicopters, nuclear and diesel submarines. Antisubmarine, anti-air, antisurface and mine warfare, amphibs and auxuiliaries are in their own areas. Even state-owned paramilitary vessels are covered. Hull, machinery and electrical and deperming are also addressed.
This book prompts the reader to discern PLAN areas of weakness as well as threats based upon the sum of tables, rather than merely accept an author's conclusions. The enigmatic PLAN aircraft carrier preparations in pilots, shipyard and battle group basing will be noted. The only fact pending is when the keels will be laid in Shanghai and the actual tonnage.