NSTAR 2004

By Jean-Paul Bocquet, Viatcheslav Kuznetsov, Dominique Rebreyend

NSTAR 2004
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This book covers recent advances in the field of nucleon resonances presented at the IX International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Baryons, NSTAR2004. A complete overview of the most recent experimental results obtained worldwide on baryon spectroscopy is presented together with theoretical progress on related topics ranging from resonance parameters extraction to lattice-QCD calculations through effective field theory. Of particular interest, a large part of the book is devoted to exotic states with quantum numbers of pentaquarks, whose recent discovery represents a new chapter in hadronic physics. The proceedings have been selected for coverage in: . OCo Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings). OCo CC Proceedings OCo Engineering & Physical Sciences."

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