One Kiss

By Martha Sweeney

One Kiss
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One Kiss was a story that was a part of the BESTSELLING Because Beards anthology in 2016.

What does a girl do to get over a cheating boyfriend? She goes out with her best friends for New Year's Eve. On top of that, Harper's friends select a random hot, bearded man for her to kiss at midnight. Harper breaks the kiss first, leaving Reece believing it was just a dream until one of his friends confirms the kiss actually did happen.

Are Harper and Reece destined to meet again in the Big Apple?

Meet Harper's older sister, Simone, in her own book in the romantic comedy, Snowed In With Him.

A novella series for Harper and her friends is in the works. Stay tuned for more details.

BONUS MATERIAL: The first chapter of Snowed in with Him, Barnes and Nobles BESTSELLER, featuring Simone, Haper's sister.

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