The Miracle on Washington Square

By Joan Marans Dim, Nancy Murphy Cricco

The Miracle on Washington Square
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At the millennium, one wonders: What would the founders of New York University think of the modern rendering of their great notion? Could they have, even in their wildest dreams, envisioned a University of such complexity, of such spirit, of such immense reach and resource while still fulfilling the determined destiny of its founders? More than likely, they would be amazed and proud to see how much their dream has been realized, especially considering the numerous travails New York University has weathered. The reasons for this "Miracle on Washington Square" are complicated and many. Without question, however, the University's recent successes rest in great part on the shoulders of the able leaders who have led the University--especially during the past forty years. These men and women, with a firm and focused grasp on the University's direction, had the courage to make critical, even painful choices, in the quest for a secure and healthy future. To mark the millennium and the University's many achievements, this volume provides a pictorial panorama of the way we were, the way we are, and the way we hope to be. The real story is in the faces. Look at them. Study them. The photographs are a testament to the dreams, ideas, and convictions behind the contributions New York University has made--and will ever continue to make--to the development and advancement of knowledge.

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