The Practice of Harmony

By Peter Spencer D.M.A., Barbara Bennett

The Practice of Harmony
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A thorough introduction to harmony in common practice.

Takes students from the fundamentals of harmony including harmony in common practice and some of the more important harmonic procedures of the 20th century.

With an emphasis on learning and understanding by doing, this text/workbook combination takes students from music fundamentals through harmony in common practice to some of the more important harmonic procedures of the 20th century. The approach is “additive” throughout, allowing students to use what was learned in one chapter to help comprehension of the materials in the next. This allows for minimum of memorization since students repeatedly use the concepts throughout the semester.

Teaching and Learning Experience

Personalize Learning-MySearchLab offers assests for further study, including research databases, information on how to write a research paper, and subject libraries.

Improve Critical Thinking- Students learn that harmony may be understood as a continuum rather than a series of unrelated elements.

Engage Students- Emphasis on comprehension of governing principles rather than memorization of rules.

Understand Music- Provides students with immediate understanding of what the particular musical example is emphasizing and what harmonic principle the example reveals.

Support Instructors- Supported by the best instructor resources on the market; MySearchLab, and an Instructor’s Manual.

Note: MySearchLab does no come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySearchLab, please visit www. or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MySearchLab (VP ISBN-10: 0205230172, VP ISBN-13: 9780205230174)

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