For starters, let's take spending camouflaged as marketing. Everyone sees all those expensive, slick, beautiful campaigns day after day. Creative - sure, but are they effective? 'Absolutely not!' says Mark. Mark Stevens is the best friend of anyone with a product or service to sell who wants to use marketing as a basis for growing the business. He provides both entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 types with a hard-nosed, 'prove it to me' program that demands that the moola spent on marketing brings in more moola in return. (If it doesn't, then you have marketing that sucks.)Your Marketing Sucksis chock-full of practical ideas, such as the Marketing Moratorium- stop all marketing for a month and see what happens. You may be surprised. At some companies Mark has worked with, sales have actually risen during the moratorium - a sure sign that they were throwing money out the window before then.