Geohistorical sources, among which are those of the catastral and paracatastral type, generally have greater heterogeneity and typological variety than in their current versions. Thus, research with geohistorical sources, approached from multiple disciplines (Geography, History, Art, Anthropology, Environmental Sciences, Urban Planning, Architecture, Demography...) represents a great boost for the analysis, knowledge and study of the territory, of landscapes and society from a spatiotemporal perspective.
This publication with the title Geohistorical sources, new technologies, new challenges was born from the 1st lnternational Congress of Geohistorical Sources: territory and society in time will focus on relevant topics: the application of this type of sources in studies of various typologies; the methodological contributions or the generation of work standards applicable to catastral and para-catastral sources from different areas and periods; didactics around geohistorical sources; the promotion of these sources through the use of new technologies in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences; the study and analysis of catastral, paracatastral, statistical and cartographic documentation whose objective is to know the characteristics of the sources themselves and their contents, etc.
In short, this scientific meeting and its subsequent publication in collaboration with the publishers of the University of Cantabria and the Autonomous University of Madrid has the objective of serving as a platform for researchers and technicians who are developing approaches about the purpose of each source, what ideological, political, social and economic circumstances motivated them, what their contents can be used for today, what data are collected and with what criteria they are aggregated and elaborated, what documents are prepared directly and indirectly and, finally, with what human resources, with what techniques they were built and with what technical, human and contextual resources they were developed.