The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, schedule changes, safety protocols, and school closings have added unique challenges to everyone's lives. But evenmore so for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.
Autism in Lockdown includes the most needed tips and insights from 34 of the world's leading autism experts, including:
Dr. Temple Grandin - Temple in Lockdown
Carol Stock Kranowitz - In-Sync Activities to Help Kids Cope with Being Cooped Up
Dr. Tony Attwood - COVID-19 and Autism
Carol Gray - Social StoriesTM for the Pandemic
Ellen Notbohm - When Leaders Fall Short
Sheila Wagner - Homeschooling and Homework
Dr. Raun Melmed - Tools for Stress Management
Dr. Jed Baker - Dealing with the New Normal
Dr. Jim Ball - Build Structure for Better Behavior
Bobbi Sheahan - Everyone Go to their Rooms!
... And many more!