This clear and balanced introduction to perception examines all the major and minor senses, including vision, hearing, touch, balance, taste and smell. It provides the reader with a thorough analysis of our perceptual experience, how it relates to the physical properties of the world and how it is linked to the biological properties of the brain. Coverage of the senses begins with the minor senses and ends with vision: fundamental principles are easier to grasp when first encountered in relation to relatively simple sensory systems.
Unique features of this text include:
* An introductory chapter on general physiological, perceptual and theoretical principles giving the reader the conceptual tools to build a clear understanding of how we perceive the world.
* Each chapter includes a 'Tutorials' section. This provides an opportunity for more advanced students to explore supplementary information on recent or controversial developments in subjects such as the physics and biology of audition; shape and object perception; and mathematics and computational modelling in modern perceptual research.
* Individual differences are also considered, as are potential sources of difference such as age, sex, expertise and culture.
* Substantial coverage and a tutorial on the sense of balance.
* Student and Instructor multimedia resources, more extensive than those offered with other sensation and perception textbooks, free of charge to adopters.
* The best value for money: half the price of major competitors.
This book will be an invaluable resource for those studying psychology and neuroscience, enabling the reader to achieve a firm grasp of current knowledge concerning the complex processes that underlie our perception of the world.
Student Resources: Perception Student Learning Program
The student website includes our Perception Student Learning Program (Perception SLP) which offers a unique and innovative approach to study. The Perception SLP is available free of charge to departments adopting Foundations of Perception by George Mather.
Each chapter from Foundations of Perception is condensed into a concise summary version, providing an effective set of revision notes. These notes also expand on and elucidate the book's content, and cite page number references to the textbook. 'Must know' information is presented in clear, accessible style, along with sections to stretch more advanced students. The notes also provide an integrative framework for a range of interactive multimedia materials and features, including:
* Animations and simulations of key perceptual phenomena
* Fill-in-the-blank questions
* Multiple-choice questions
* Key-term definitions
* Research studies
* Short-essay questions
* Links to related websites.
Several demo chapters from the Perception Student Learning Program are available to view.
Instructor Resources
We offer web-based, password-protected resources free of charge to instructors who recommend Foundations of Perception by George Mather. These resources include:
* A comprehensive chapter-by-chapter slideshow lecture course
* A set of short-answer questions per chapter to stimulate discussion.