The Matrix meets Inception…
The entire Maze trilogy drops into rabbit holes of alternate realities. How do we know we’re awake? And why are we asleep?
BOOK 1. Grey Grimm straps on the punch. His mother, Sunny Grimm, finds his body in the bedroom. His mind is in the Maze. She’ll do anything to save him. And find those who are responsible.
BOOK 2. Freddy Bills is the detective who worked the Grey Grimm case. Now retired, clues from the case have returned. Someone is leading him to find something or someone. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for. Or why.
BOOK 3. When one of the creators of the Maze vanishes, panic grips the others. What Micah believed was impossible is now a reality. The Maze is unstable. But clues will lead him to discover the beginning of a very long journey.
And the ending is just the beginning.
“I’m a huge fan of Philip K. Dick… this feels like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.” –Jonica, Amazon Reviewer
“Absolutely loved it.” –Fredrox, Amazon Reviewer
“Spectacular.” –W. Nickels, Amazon Reviewer
“Twists and twists and twists.” -- Amazon Reviewer
“Fantastic book – amazing world building…” Informed reader, Amazon Reviewer
“well-written, intelligent and makes you think.”-- Amazon Reviewer
“Highly recommended for any sci-fi fan.” -- Amazon Reviewer
“Excellent psychological thriller that plays with your mind.” –J Phillips, Amazon Reviewer
“Keeps the action and the twists coming!” -- Amazon Reviewer
“Thrill ride.” –Riann F., Amazon Reviewer