Mais Emma cherche les ennuis. Elle sort de l'école à l'heure du dîner et n'apprécie pas qu'Anna ait d'autres amis. Elle ne se fait jamais attraper, mais Anna si. Après tout, elles se ressemblent tellement!
Quand le goût pour l'aventure d'Emma prend un aspect sinistre, Anna commence à s'inquiéter. Et si sa meilleure amie au visage identique était en fait une jumelle maléfique?
Anna's new friend, Emma, is everything Anna wants to be - fearless, effortlessly fashionable, and always up for doing something new and fun. The girls even look alike, and soon they're fixing their hair the same way and sharing clothes.
But Emma is also kind of a troublemaker. She likes to sneak off school grounds at lunch, and she doesn't seem to like Anna having any other friends. Emma never seems to get caught, but Anna does. After all, they look just alike.
When Emma's sense of adventure takes a sinister turn, Anna starts to worrry. Is her mirror-image BFF a dangerous evil twin?
Original title: Poison Apple: Her Evil Twin