PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies

By Doug Lowe

PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummies
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Not too long ago (in a galaxy not too far away), the termpresentation software meant poster board and marker pens.Times sure have changed. Now, computer presentations are the norm;in fact, you may get some downright dirty looks from your boss ifyou come into a conference room carrying flip charts or a stack ofhandwritten transparencies.

The term PowerPoint has become synonymous withfancy-schmancy, computer presentations; in fact, PowerPoint is nowa major tool in boardrooms everywhere. And if you haven't beeninstructed to create a PowerPoint presentation, it's only a matterof time before you will be!

But how do you get started with PowerPoint? How do you get thoseideas in your head or on your legal pad into a slick presentationformat? Despite Microsoft's valiant effort to make PowerPoint easyto use, it's still one of Microsoft's most complicated programs.And that's where PowerPoint 2000 For Windows For Dummiessteps in to help.

Veteran Dummies author Doug Lowe introduces you to thepower of PowerPoint 2000 in his typically humorous andeasy-to-understand style. This book not only shows you how to getstarted with PowerPoint 2000, but it also shows you how to actuallydo what you need to do - without all the geekyjargon of the standard computer manual. Here's just a few of thetopics covered in PowerPoint 2000 For Windows ForDummies:
* Creating a brand-spanking-new presentation
* Adding text to your slides
* Editing and printing your presentations
* Formatting your slides: From selecting colors to usingtemplates
* Using clip art and drawing your own masterpieces
* Incorporating charts, graphs, and animation into yourpresentation
* Including Web links and serving up your presentation on theWeb
* Collaborating with others on a presentation
* Top Ten lists on the new features of PowerPoint 2000, fixingthings that go wrong, and powerful PowerPoint shortcuts

So whether you're an experienced PowerPoint guru or a newbie whohas a presentation due by the end of the week (and it's Thursday!),you'll find all you need in PowerPoint 2000 For Windows ForDummies.

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