This new edition of The Science of Environmental Pollution presents common-sense approaches and practical examples based on scientific principles, models, and observations, but keeps the text lively and understandable for scientists and non-scientists alike. It addresses the important questions regarding environmental pollution: What is it? What is its impact? What are the causes and how can we mitigate them? But more than this, it stimulates new ways to think about the issues and their possible solutions.
This fourth edition has been updated throughout, and greatly expands its coverage of endocrine disruptors and includes all new information on persistent "forever chemicals."
Environmental issues continue to attract attention at all levels. Some sources say that pollution is the direct cause of climate change; others deny that the possibility even exists. This text sorts through the hyperbole, providing concepts and guidelines that not only aid in understanding the issues, but equip readers with the scientific rationale required to make informed decisions.
The Science of Environmental Pollution is suitable for students taking undergraduate-level courses dealing with the environment and related pollution issues. It will also serve as a useful reference for environmental managers, politicians, legal experts, and interested general readers.