Jewish Roots Journey: Memoirs of a Mizpah is the personal testimony of one woman who has been on a journey of discovery.
As you follow her on this journey you will be entertained, challenged, and inspired. It is an engaging story of God's leading and spiritual growth in the community of faith. Author Nancy Petrey shares how she gained a deeper understanding of Scripture, church history, and the history of modern Israel. Some of these revelations were shocking and demanded a response. Nancy relates many "God-incidences" and "clues" from the Holy Spirit that kept her on track in her journey.
The chapters on "Give Me Back My Money," "Wild Rides," and "Colorful Characters" will entertain the reader. Other chapters, such as "Prayers, Persecution, and Suicide Bombers," will inspire the reader to boldness. Throughout the book readers will be challenged to dig deeper and take up their responsibilities as Christian believers, including praying for the peace of Jerusalem and working for the day when Jew and Gentile will be one new man in Christ (Ephesians 2:14-16).