A Dive into the Big Economies

By Mashhood Raza Khan

A Dive into the Big Economies
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How the political conditions lay the economic foundation of a country? How the discovery of oil can make a country have the richest royals, or the biggest hedge funds? How can tourism advance an economy at the base level and how it can be totally devastating at times? How laws of some country can make it the hotbed for the world's richest? How the deadliest monarch can give the status of high-end to its fashion-house? How did Hong Kong become the most capitalistic from a communist nation? How can China be communist and the world's biggest economy at the same time? How can a tiny country in the Middle-East surrounded by its violent enemies be the tech hub of Asia? How can India be a global superpower? How UAE is shifting from oil-based country to tourism and tech-based country? This book answers a lot more than just these questions.

This book does not just contain huge mathematical equations or complex graphs, but analysis of an economy through history, geopolitics, law, and the political order of that country. It contains the concept of economics from the basics through analysis of an economy in its simplest and most intuitive form.