Centres of Centralizers of Unipotent Elements in Simple Algebraic Groups

By Ross Lawther, Donna M. Testerman

Centres of Centralizers of Unipotent Elements in Simple Algebraic Groups
Available for 88 USD
Let G be a simple algebraic group defined over an algebraically closed field k whose characteristic is either 0 or a good prime for G, and let u ∈ G be unipotent. We study the centralizer CG(u), especially its centre Z(CG(u)). We calculate the Lie algebra of Z(CG(u)), in particular determining its dimension; we prove a succession of theorems of increasing generality, the last of which provides a formula for dim⁡Z(CG(u)) in terms of the labelled diagram associated to the conjugacy class containing u. We proceed by using the existence of a Springer map to replace u by a nilpotent element lying in the Lie algebra of G. The bulk of the work concerns the cases where G is of exceptional type. For these we produce a set of nilpotent orbit representatives e e and perform explicit calculations. For each such e we obtain not only the Lie algebra of Z(CG(e)), but in fact the whole upper central series of the Lie algebra of Ru(CG(e)); we write each term of this series explicitly as a direct sum of indecomposable tilting modules for a reductive complement to Ru(CG(e)) in CG(e)∘.

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