"A useful resource for all educational teams who plan for students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. Downing summarizes current, key research and offers practical applications from her wealth of experience in schools. Readers who are new to planning for students with severe disabilities will find excellent coverage of the basics like systematic instruction, positive behavior support, and collaboration. Professionals with extensive experience will benefit from the new ideas for planning, including specific examples of adapting academic content, considering both family goals and state standards in planning, and using universal design for learning."
--Diane M. Browder, Snyder Distinguished Professor of Special Education
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Help students with significant disabilities succeed in the general education classroom!
While most resources for inclusive education focus on teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities, teachers of students with more severe disabilities need specific methods to provide the individualized and systematic instruction necessary to support students in inclusive environments. This unique book meets that need with approaches, information, and ideas for teachers of students with moderate to severe disabilities in general education classrooms.
June E. Downing draws from a strong research base to provide practical instructional strategies, plus suggestions based on personal experience. Featuring tables and figures, chapter summaries, photographs, multiple examples, and strategies that address the how-to of instruction, this resource helps general and special education teachers:
Essential for today′s inclusive classrooms, this guide covers everything teachers need to know to provide individualized instruction and assessment for their students with significant intellectual disabilities.