Preliminary Material /Frank Heny and Helmut S. Schnelle --Introduction /Frank Heny --The Syntax and Semantics of Subordinate Clause Constructions and Pronominal Coreference /Renate Bartsch --The Interpretation of Pronouns /Robin Cooper --How Do Pronouns Denote? /Roland R. Hausser --A General Theory of the Meaning of Anaphoric Pronouns /Timothy C. Potts --Problem with Pronouns in Transformational Grammar /Thomas Wasow --A Model- Theoretic Account of the Concept of Causality in Natural Language /Joachim Ballweg --Notes from the Pragmatic Wastebasket: On a Gricean Explanation of the Preferred Interpretation of Negative Sentences /David S. Schwarz --Logical Rationalism and Formal Semantics of Natural Languages: On Conditions of Adequacy /Asa Kasher --Montague Grammar and the Well-Formedness Constraint /Barbara H. Partee --A Projection Problem for Pragmatics /Robert M. Harnish --On Some General Principles of Semantics of a Natural Language /H. Hiż --Principles of Semantics /Hans-Heinrich Lieb --Contents of Previous Volumes /Frank Heny and Helmut S. Schnelle.