Did President Grant Really Get a Ticket for Speeding in a Horse-Drawn Carriage?

By Sandy Donovan

Did President Grant Really Get a Ticket for Speeding in a Horse-Drawn Carriage?
Available for 26.65 USD

George Washington chopped down his father’s cherry tree.
Millard Fillmore installed the first bathtub in the White House.
Harry Truman was the first president to “pardon” a Thanksgiving Day turkey.

You may have heard these common beliefs before. But are they really true? Can they be proven through research? Let’s investigate seventeen statements about U.S. presidents and find out which ones are right, which ones are wrong, and which ones stump even the experts! Find out whether William Henry Harrison really talked himself to death. Discover whether Calvin Coolidge kept a pet raccoon in the White House. See if you can tell the difference between fact and fiction with Is That a Fact?

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