Rob 37 Heroin

By robert j. kubiak, Jr.

Rob 37 Heroin
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Do you ever find yourself wishing things were different? Have you ever just wanted to feel different? Wanted to escape? Have you ever tried to slit your wrist or overdose on sleeping pills? Have you ever stolen a car with two complete strangers? Have you ever been held up at gunpoint? Have you ever been to jail? Have you ever agreed to marry someone for citizenship in a drunken blackout? Have you ever been homeless? Have you ever shot heroin? Has anyone ever died in your bedroom? Have you ever overdosed? Have you ever totaled your car after passing out behind the wheel? Have you been to rehab? Once? A few times? 19 times? Have you ever had your door kicked in by a police task force? Have you ever had to re-learn how to walk? Have you ever been questioned about a double homicide? Have you ever won the inpatient talent show at a mental health hospital - twice? Have you ever been kicked out of a halfway house? If the answer to all of those questions is yes, then you're a liar. Or, you're 'rob 37 heroin'. Experience the journey and the adventure from becoming a homeless junkie to turning his life around. See how a seemingly ordinary suburban, college-educated child can slide down the rails of existence into a hopeless abyss. See how he can eventually emerge and dedicate himself to helping others. If you or someone you know is struggling, then take a quick ride through a world unfamiliar to most.

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