His most desired passion was to live each moment to the fullest before slipping into obliteration. His first crush was on the swimming coach. He remained at the threshold of falling in love with her. He reluctantly fell in love a second time and it culminated into marriage. He believed in the might of destiny and equally believed in his right to be in control of these moments. He resolved to ignore the all-powerful, invincible and mighty destiny.
Unlike in the present age, there is a growing tendency to capture moments, big or small, through the eyes of the lens. Back then, the options were more or less limited to living mindfully and preserving moments. There are memories of a childhood striving for the freedom of adulthood. Or when under the stress of adulthood, a longing for a comfortable life of retirement.
Surprisingly, he never thought of retiring from life. Every stage in his life had a unique charm of its own. To him, the magic of the moment was lost if desirable results were expected all the time. Outcomes fall in the domain of destiny. So he regretted or expected nothing from life except the prerequisite of feeling the distinct charm of living to the fullest. Frame by frame, pictures are conceived by the old man of his avant-garde heroine and the ‘life’ that remained his only true love. He was determined not to blame life for any of his miseries.