Making Comparisons in Equality Law

By Robin Allen

Making Comparisons in Equality Law
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"This book is about making comparisons appropriately, and then following through on their consequences. I believe this to be important for two main reasons. First, making an appropriate comparison is the key to resolving most disputes about equality. Secondly, looking to find that key is an essential task, even if it is often an elusive one. This is because all modern democratic societies must take equality very seriously if they are to survive. Throughout 45 years of professional working life as a barrister I have been engaged in this search, in case after case, and in respect of all the protected characteristics. The search for this key in any particular context has often proved to be difficult and contentious. The search is nonetheless always an intriguing process that has often involved the views of many different people beyond just lawyers and jurists, such as politicians, commissions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and activists of all kinds. The Hamlyn Trustees' invitation to give the 2018 Hamlyn Lectures was completely unexpected. It was, however, very welcome indeed. I saw it as an opportunity to collect and order what I have learnt about this search. I hoped I might be able to provide some signposts for the next stages of this search. I am therefore greatly indebted to the Trustees for the honour they have done me. It has been a challenge to undertake the task I set myself, but it has alwaysfelt worthwhile; not least because it has forced me to clarify and seek to systematise what I have learnt. I hope that these lectures and this book will repay that honour and go some way to illuminate how these discussions could develop in the future, as equality law evolves yet further"--

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