
By Pamela Weintraub

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In the aftermath of the September 11th attack, a deeply troubling question weighs on the mind of every American: How do we defend ourselves against biological warfare?

In this practical, authoritative book, respected science journalist Pamela Weintraub arms us with the tools to protect ourselves against this growing threat. Drawing on the nation's foremost experts, "Bio-Terrorism" shows how to avoid, recognize, and treat the twenty most feared weapons of biological warfare -- including anthrax, smallpox, botulism, cholera, plague, and ebola. Complete with details of antibiotics such as Cipro and doxycycline, immune system boosters, and other treatments, this invaluable manual gives specific guidelines to help everyone through this frightening new era.

"Bio-Terrorism" provides indispensable information, including:
-- A chart of the top risks, their symptoms and treatments
-- A resource section about what to stock in your medicine cabinet
-- Recommendations on where to go for products and medications
-- A reference section showing the relevant medical sources
-- Specific tips for the home, school, and office
-- Advice from America's foremost experts

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