S. Braun, H.-O. Kalinowski, S. Berger 150 and More Basic NMR Experiments A Practical Course Explore the full productivity of your NMR equipment!
- How to perform NMR experiments?
- Which experiment conveys the desired information?
- How do the applied pulse sequences work?
- How can the desired information be read off the spectra?
- Which equipment is needed for special experiments?
The new edition of this highly successful book is expanded by another 50 important NMR experiments dedicated to the latest developments. The expansion mainly concerns the fields of chemical applications of very recently developed gradient-selected experiments now arranged in two chapters (1D and 2D). Moreover, the basics of solid-state NMR are covered in a completely new chapter. Again, all experiments from basic pulse determinations to advanced 2D and some 3D techniques have been performed especially for this book. The figures are taken directly from the spectrometer output and the reader can therefore rely on the results presented. Written by leading experts, this book is a thorough guide through the maze of modern NMR tools. Being a textbook as well as a reference and work book for the laboratory, it is a must for every scientist applying NMR as well as for students preparing for their lab courses.