Youth Justice

By Roger Shipley Smith

Youth Justice
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Youth crime remains an enduring and growing problem, and has been the subject of a raft of recent government policy initiatives. This book provides a comprehensive, up to date and critical overview of the youth justice system, taking full account of the many changes that have been introduced - in particular the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and its subsequent implementation. A major aim of the book will be to help youth justice practitioners and others studying youth crime and youth justice to make sense of these changes, to assess their implications for practice and to understand some of the tensions and complexities that have arisen. The book begins by setting the youth justice system in its broader historical and contemporary context, moving on to assess the impact of political ideologies on the structures (such as the Youth Justice Board and Youth Offending Teams) and processes (including anti-social behaviour strategies, restorative justice and more intensive community interventions). which compromise youth justice as it is currently delivered. The book goes on to argue that the failings of current policy, organisational frameworks and delivery mechanisms have had a cumulative and damaging effect, resulting in an over-reliance on intrusive, oppressive and counter-productive measures of control.Against this backdrop, the book explores some of the unerlying theoretical issues concerning young people and crime, and then sets out some of the principles which should underpin positive policies and practice with young people in trouble. Finally, it draws together some of the evidence from current initiatives, domestically and internationally, to suggest that it remains possible both to envision and to deliver a youth justice system which is liberal, humane and progressive.

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